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August 2024

Research Residency Report

This artistic residency, set up by the Flauto di Leto association and located in the heart of the countryside at Studio Chroma, aims to become a veritable interartistic research laboratory, exploring the deep connections between various creative and cultural practices.By bringing together international artists - dancers, contemporary musicians, singers, improvisers and visual artists - we have sought to answer fundamental questions about collaboration between disciplines, and to help new forms of artistic expression to emerge.What sets this residency apart is its unique approach, which combines intellectual reflection with artistic practice. At the heart of our approach is interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity: how can the arts not only coexist, but feed off each other to create a collective work that transcends the usual boundaries?


This projet is supported by CULTURE MOVES EUROPE with additional support from SACEM.



Through ongoing exchanges and workshops led by the artists themselves, we created a space for dialogue and co-creation where everyone could share their practice and learn from each other.
The natural and isolated setting of the residency played a key role in this process. By living and working together in an environment conducive to concentration, surrounded by vegetable gardens and animals, the participants were able to strike a balance between artistic creation and immersion in a sustainable way of life. The attention paid to resource management - reducing food waste, composting, reusing equipment - was fully in line with an eco-responsible approach, aligning our daily practices with the artistic and cultural values we defend.



From an artistic point of view, the residency provided an opportunity to explore notions of composition and improvisation, the ephemeral and the fixed, the concrete and the abstract. The artists worked together to create multidisciplinary works in which contemporary music, dance and the visual arts meet, intermingle and respond to each other. The creative process opened the way to a reflection on the interactions between disciplines: what are the limits and potentialities of artistic fusion? What common languages can emerge from this meeting of forms?



At the same time, the residency has strengthened our international outlook. By welcoming artists from different geographical and cultural backgrounds, we have enriched our project with an essential multicultural dimension. These intercultural exchanges have enabled us to build bridges between artistic traditions and develop cross-border collaborations that will continue beyond the residency.​

For the futur

This project marks a turning point in our approach as an organisation hosting artistic residencies. Not only have we achieved our objectives of creation and connection, but we've also opened up new avenues of reflection for future projects. In the future, we want to deepen this interartistic research, while publishing theoretical work on the issues raised during the residency, particularly around the relationship between the arts and territories, and the dynamic between improvisation and composition.
Our ambition is to extend this exploration by organising other residencies, while strengthening our links with local audiences and international artists. Creation and exchange are at the heart of our approach: we want to continue to build projects that not only question artistic practices, but also help to enrich the dialogue between cultures, and fully integrate art into the life of local communities.



© 2024 par Leto

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